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Headington, Headington (Marston Road site)

Course Length

Full time: 4 years, 5 years

Why choose this course?

Your first year will focus on developing basic science skills. You’ll explore core topics such as biodiversity, cell biology, and genetics. Your options include biochemistry and a residential field course.

In your second year, you’ll explore molecular biology, genomes, and take a deeper look at cell biology. Your options will include data carpentry, animal behaviour, microbiology, and the green planet. We’ll support you to prepare for your future career, whether that is a job or further education, with the option to take either a year long industry placement or a work experience module to advance your skills.

In your next two years of studies, you’ll focus on the development of your professional skills through modules across a wide range of specialities from molecular biology of cancer, business innovation, science communication to animal development or wildlife conservation. You’ll also do major research projects.


If you’re interested in biology and advanced research and want to push yourself academically, then our MBiol Biological Sciences is for you. We’ve designed the course to give you the best start for a career in industrial or academic research.

The first 3 years have the same structure as the BSc Biological Sciences course, with a final year devoted to a major research project either in the lab or in the field. You’ll work alongside our world-leading academics and explore topics from genetics to biodiversity. You’ll gain a postgraduate degree after 4 years, or 5 years if you do a placement year.

The employment market for bioscience graduates is buoyant. Your skills in lab techniques, data handling, critical analysis, creativity and report writing are highly valued by employers. You’ll emerge as a self-assured and independent-minded postgraduate. A problem solver with the skills and knowledge to benefit organisations.

Our supportive staff are internationally renowned researchers, and we enjoy strong links with industry. As you journey to success, we’ll support you each step of the way.


Year 1

Compulsory modules

Cell Biology and Genetics

Cell biology is the study of how cells work and how they differentiate to form multicellular organisms.

This module is your introduction to cell function - you will study the different types of molecules within cells and build your knowledge about cellular organelles and their functions. You’ll explore the increasing levels of complexity and the diversity of cell types that have arisen through evolution.

On this module you’ll also look at genetics. What are genes and how do they work to bring about the traits that we observe in organisms? We will examine cell division in detail and look at how DNA is transcribed into RNA which translates into proteins that do most of the work in the cell.

Communicating Science

For impact, scientific research findings need to be communicated to reach the relevant audience in a timely manner. The relevant audience can be

 researchers
 policy makers
 public.

Science can be communicated by written reports to oral presentations.

On this module you’ll have Personal and Academic Support Scheme tutorials over your first year. You’ll receive the support and guidance to adjust to the academic demands of university. Also you will develop key skills like:

 reading
 critical thinking
 literature searching
 reporting
 presentation in various formats
 presenting to varied audiences.

Quantitative Skills for Life Sciences

On this module you’ll be introduced to, build upon and practice the key quantitative skills for science.

Your key module areas will include:

 hypothesis testing
 designing scientific investigations
 applying mathematical topics
 principles and application of statistical methods
 using statistical software
 reporting in scientific research.

The timing of this module will help you to practise these skills incrementally on your other first year modules.


On this module you will explore the diversity of life. Looking at classification and the theory of evolution, that links all biology and the interactions between organisms and their environment. Then you’ll examine major structures and patterns in

 plants
 animals
 fungi.

Looking at how they vary within each kingdom and the interrelationships of some of the phyla. You will learn about how structure is related to function, within the ecological context and you will also look at the importance of each group.

By the end of this module you will have a deep knowledge of interactions between plants and animals; the interactions that are both antagonistic and mutualistic, and the wider environment. You’ll also develop your understanding of the functioning of ecosystems and the biosphere.

Introduction to Biochemistry A

This module is an introduction to the chemical principles that underpin cellular functions. You’ll study the chemical concepts that range from stoichiometry and reactions, chemical bonds and structures through to chemical equilibrium and chemical change, taking in the organic chemistry of cell macromolecules:

 Proteins
 Carbohydrates
 Lipids

along the way. This will help you build crucial knowledge and skills for the field of biological sciences.

Optional modules

Introduction to Biochemistry B

Build your knowledge of chemical concepts. You’ll study energetics and cellular metabolism to biochemical change (enzyme kinetics and mechanisms) and you’ll consider cellular macromolecules, broadly looking at

 bioenergetics
 cellular metabolism
 enzyme kinetics
 protein structure and function.

To further develop and progress your knowledge and skills in Biochemistry and what you also learnt on the module Introduction to Biochemistry A.

Field Course: Identification and Methods

Develop your key field study skills during a week-long residential field course to an area with a rich natural history, habitat and landscape diversity. Your field-work will comprise of various group activities focussing on identification of terrestrial and aquatic flora and fauna - ecological sampling techniques for terrestrial and aquatic environments - quantitative description and analysis of group data, and designing field investigations.

This field course is early in the summer vacation, and is preceded by assessed preparatory exercises in Semester Two.

Year 2

Compulsory modules

Molecular Biology

A study of structure and function of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes at the molecular level with an overview on the experimental evidence that has contributed to current concepts, models and paradigms and practical experience of key molecular biology laboratory techniques. The module focuses on aspects of genetic engineering and environmental applications of modern molecular tools, with emphasis on phylogeny, ecology and evolution.

Cell Biology

This module focuses on eukaryotic cell structures and functions and highlights examples from animals, plants and fungi. The composition and functions of the cytoskeleton, cell membranes and cell components including chloroplasts, mitochondria and the nucleus will be discussed. In addition, cellular processes such as cell division and cell death will also be examined. Students will use well established methods such as fluorescent microscopy of living cells to experimentally investigate topics from lectures in lab classes.

Career Development

The module aims to provide essential training in professional career management skills designed to assist you in actively planning and preparing for your future career. It will take you through a career development cycle starting with discovering your potential, exploring opportunities (jobs, post graduate study or training), plotting a way forward and making it happen.

Interrogating genomes

Biological applications, whether in industry, academia or health care, are increasingly reliant on generating and analysing high-throughput global level (“-omic”) data. Analysing such high-throughput data requires a new breed of biologists with some level of competency in bioinformatics and computational biology. This module provides an introduction to computational thinking in the biological sciences. This involves learning programming to tailor bespoke solutions to biological problems and developing a capacity to approach biological problems from a computational perspective (computational thinking). Additionally students are introduced to a variety of –omic data types (RNA, DNA, Protein-level), public databases and publicly available software for bioinformatics applications. Bioinformatics provides key highly transferable skills that can be used in academia, or in other work case scenarios.

Optional modules

Data Carpentry

This module introduces students on how to get biologically meaningful answers from data while providing a generic introduction to concepts of ‘big data’ and machine learning. This conceptual framework is delivered via a more practical approach where students learn how to program, analyse, manage and communicate data from diverse biological disciplines using the R language for statistical computing.

Animal Behaviour

The module emphasises the importance of observation and experimentation to our understanding of behaviour and develops deep reading skills through the study of key primary research papers. Consideration is given to the influences of resource type and quality on animal behaviour, the evolution of behavioural traits and the acquisition of new behaviours.

Animal Developmental Biology
This module will present students with an in-depth introduction to the principles of developmental biology, and provide a broad overview of development processes and their regulation in animals.


An introduction to microbiology considering the structures, metabolism, regulatory signals, replication and growth exhibited by microorganisms. You will be introduced to a number of examples of microbes, including viruses, bacteria and protozoa, particularly those that are pathogenic in humans. The interaction and impact of microbes with humans will be considered, along with an introduction to the challenges facing medical interventions against pathogenic microbes in different parts of the world. You will learn how to work in a Category 2 microbiology laboratory and have the opportunity to plan and execute simple experimental procedures that are important to work with bacteria and viruses. You will practise aseptic techniques, and several procedures used in diagnostic labs for bacterial identification.

The Green Planet

Without plants, life on Earth would look very different to what it is now. Plants provide us with energy and food, shelter, and the oxygen that we breathe. They form the biggest biomass on earth, outnumbering all other organisms by far. We cannot afford to ignore plants when it comes to tackling global issues like climate change, sustainability, preserving biodiversity, finding new medicines, understanding societal inequalities, and living a healthy life.


This module focuses on patterns of genetic inheritance at different scales from individuals to populations to evolutionary lineages. It will develop an understanding of Mendelian/transmission, quantitative, population, ecological and evolutionary genetics and an ability to analyse and interpret genetic data.

Biochemistry of Cell Function

The module considers the biochemistry of eukaryotic cells with an emphasis on mammalian tissues. Using several approaches, we will explore the biochemistry of eukaryotic cells, including the chemical nature of the compounds that are involved in cellular processes. Examples of diseases caused by failures in these processes reinforce understanding and provide relevance and application. The module emphasises relationships between events at the cellular level and at the systemic level, building a clear picture of the importance of biochemical events in human health and disease. In addition, some of the most relevant biomedical diagnostic techniques will be discussed.

Year 3 (placement year)

Optional modules

Industrial placement

An Industrial Placement helps you get experience of applying science in a practical environment. You will develop practical skills that enhance your employability. On placement you gain an insight into various aspects of working in a scientific environment. Although it is your responsibility to secure your placement our team will do everything we can to assist you. We can suggest suitable employers through our network of industry contacts. You should look carefully into the financing of placements but this is something we will guide you through every step of the way.

Work experience module

On the 'Work Experience' module you will spend at least 115 hours in a working environment relevant to your subject. This is equal to 3 weeks full time work. The module involves reflecting on your interests and career aspirations. By approaching potential employers about opportunities in their organisations you can enhance your employability. Although it is your responsibility to secure your work experience there's lots of support available. Your subject lead, academic advisor or dissertation supervisor all have a wide range of contacts with a range of suitable organisations. There may be some costs such as travel associated with work experience and these are not included in the course tuition fees.

Year 4 (or year 3 if no placement)

Compulsory modules

Research Project

An individual project related to some aspect of the student's degree subject. The associated practical work may be conducted in a research or industrial laboratory or in the field, depending on the nature of the project.
Professional Skills and Techniques

This module focuses on the development of the professional skills, personalised to your career ambitions. You will select three ‘podules’ from a selection of podules, which draw upon our research expertise and links with external partners. Podules will cover a wide range topics relevant to your degree, such as advanced microscopy, protein biochemistry, species identification, geographic information systems, entrepreneurship or science communication. Each podule consists of an introductory lecture, plenty of hands-on experience, and a seminar in which you will learn more about the application of ‘your’ skill in different contexts.

Independent Study in Life Sciences

A study (normally library-based) of a topic of the student's choosing that is relevant to the student's programme but not formally offered as part of the taught course. A learning contract is agreed between the student and a supervising member of staff in the semester prior to the one in which the study is to be undertaken, and this must be approved by the Subject Examination Committee. Only once the learning contract has been formally approved will the module be registered on the student's programme of study.

Optional modules

Advanced Genetics and Genomics

The module will specifically focus on the use of natural variation for the study of population history, selection inference, and analysing variation in complex traits; the use of comparative genomics and phylogenetics to understand evolutionary relationships and investigate gene and genome evolution; the role of microbiomes in human health and ecosystems and the study of gene function. Key techniques discussed include access and retrieval of data from public resources, population statistics, phylogenetics (including co-evolution between genomes), genome-wide association studies, gene annotation, transcriptome analysis, transcription factor binding prediction and characterisation of epigenetic modifications. Students will apply knowledge to devise a research programme addressing one such current challenge in biological and medical science.

Advanced Cell Biology and Bio-imaging

This module is designed to give students an in-depth appreciation of currently topical areas in the cell biology of mammals, yeast and plants, and the techniques underpinning the associated research. Topics to be covered will include cell signalling, the endomembrane system, and the cell cycle. Control of these three aspects of cell biology is, ultimately, at the level of interacting proteins and these interactions will be explored. Advanced experimental bio-imaging is one of the most powerful experimental methods for investigation of cell biology and confocal light microscopy will be used in practicals to observe living cells of animals and plants and to measure the strength of protein interactions in different biological situations.

Advanced Topics in Wildlife Conservation

The module will identify and deliver the concepts and practical skills used in wildlife conservation, integrating conservation at the landscape scale with other wider countryside land management. This will develop an understanding of the use of practical conservation management in maintaining and enhancing biodiversity. The inter-disciplinary nature of the module is emphasised in identifying the role of policy and statutory controls for wildlife management, and the role of conservation science in their development and delivery.

Animal Neurobiology and Behaviour

The module aims to explore the neurobiological mechanisms underlying behaviour, including memory acquisition, learning and cognition, perception and consciousness at an individual level as well as in a social and ecological context/setting. This module will also cover the major technological advances in the study of neural function and behaviour and the development of diagnostic and therapeutic tools in the treatment of neurological disorders.

Evolution and Animal Development

The shape, size and colour of each animal are produced during its development. This means that in order to study the evolution of animal biodiversity we need to study the evolution of development. In this module, we will not only discuss animal evolution at various timescales and levels, but we will also follow the development from egg (cell) to adult in a variety of animal species and compare the developmental programmes involved. We will investigate how morphological variation can be generated by tinkering with the expression patterns of a conserved set of toolkit genes, both over evolutionary time and in response to environmental variation, and the central role mothers play in generating morphological variation and modulating the effect of environmental change on development.

Molecular Biology of Cancer

An exploration of the nature and causes of cancer with particular emphasis on the molecular biology of underlying mechanisms. The role of oncogenes, tumour suppressor genes, and cell signalling is explored. The role played by other cellular processes such as the cell cycle, apoptosis, cell growth and division, and DNA repair in cancer development is also explored. The module is framed around the concepts of the ‘hallmarks of cancer’ and will also explore the emerging field of cancer genomics as well as cover the therapeutic options for tumour patients.

Science and Humanity

Science has had a huge impact on all aspects of our lives, and the overall aim of this module is to set that influence in its social and historical context. We will address alternative views of the world, how they have been developed or replaced in the context of science and have a clear look at the strengths and weaknesses of a scientific world view. We will address ideas about the value of other life forms and introduce environmental philosophy.

Work Experience

The ‘Work Experience’ module is a supervised work-based learning experience. You will spend a minimum of 60 hours in a working environment that is relevant to your future career path. By learning how to reflect on your learning and professional development, and how to present your insights in a written essay and in a video, you will develop useful skills for your future job applications.

Year5 (or year 4 if no placement)

Compulsory modules

Research Practice Project

The module is a period of research practice in a professional working environment. The objective is to augment and develop the skills and competencies delivered by the degree programme, and to practice science in a working context. The period of research practice will allow the student to apply the knowledge and learning gained in their academic training while carrying out their own supervised research in an active research environment. The research will be related to, and draw on, the theoretical knowledge and skills already acquired during the first three years of their degree programme. It is expected that the student will gain scientific and interpersonal skills which complement the learning experience delivered by taught modules. The research practiced carried out as a team member within an active research environment will therefore contribute to the training of talented students interested in careers as practising scientists.

Optional modules

• Advanced Molecular Techniques
• Advances in Medical Genomics
• Ecology for Conservation
• Taxonomy and Identification
• Independent Study

Entry Criteria

Home Office Share Code
For EU students only.

IF no Qualification
Please provide CV with at least 2 years of work experience, and employee reference letter.
Entry requirements

Specific entry requirements

A Level: Including one A Level or a comparable Level 3 qualification in a science subject (e.g. Physical Education, Biology, Chemistry, Maths, Physics, Psychology).

If you do not have a background in science, we encourage you to consider our Life Sciences Foundation year.

Our standard entry requirement is three A-levels or equivalent qualifications. In some cases, courses have specific required subjects and additional GCSE requirements. In addition to A-levels, we accept a wide range of other qualifications including:

 the Welsh Baccalaureate
 the Access to Higher Education Diploma
 a BTEC National Certificate, Diploma or Extended Diploma at a good standard and in a relevant subject
 the International Baccalaureate Diploma
 the European Baccalaureate Diploma
 Scottish qualifications – five subjects in SCE with two at Higher level or one at Advanced Higher level, or three subjects in Scottish Highers or two at Advanced Higher level
 a recognised foundation course
 T-levels*.
 * T-levels are a relatively new qualification but are already included in the UCAS tariff. We welcome prospective students who are taking this qualification to apply. For some programmes with specific required subjects, particular subject areas or occupational specialisms may be required.

English language requirements

If your first language is not English you will require a minimum academic IELTS score of 6.5 overall with 6.0 in all components.
An equivalent English language qualification acceptable to the University.

If English is not your first language then you will need to show that your English language skills are at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.

The entry requirement for your course will be expressed as an IELTS level and refers to the IELTS Academic version of this test. We are now also accepting the IELTS Indicator test, you can find out more about the test on the IELTS Indication site. The University however does accept a wide range of additional English language qualifications, which can be found below.

The university’s English language requirements in IELTS levels are as follows:

Course IELTS level
All other undergraduate courses 6.0 overall with 6.0 in reading and writing, 5.5 in listening and speaking
Law, Architecture, Interior Architecture, English Literature (including combined honours), English Literature and Creative Writing 6.5 overall with 6.0 in reading and writing, 5.5 in listening and speaking
Health and Social Care courses 6.5 or 7.0 overall with 6.5 or 7.0 in all components (see individual entries for course details)
Nutrition BSc (Hons) 6.5 overall with a minimum of 6.0 in each component
Built Environment Foundation,
Computing Foundation,
Engineering Foundation 6.0 with 6.0 in reading and writing, 5.5 in listening and speaking
International Foundation Business and Technology,
International Foundation Arts, Humanities and Law 5.5 overall with 5.5 in all skills
International Foundation Diploma 5.0 overall with 5.0 in all skills
If you need a student visa you must take an IELTS for UKVI test.
International Foundation Diploma (Extended pathway) 4.5 overall with 4.5 in all skills
If you need a student visa you must take an IELTS for UKVI test.



1. INTERNAL ENGLISH TEST if you don't have an English accredited certificate
2. Academic Interview
You will learn through applying theory in practical settings, either in the lab or the field. This develops your research and employment skills.

We teach you a wide range of skills, including:

 molecular techniques for studying DNA, RNA and proteins
 advanced light and electron microscopy
 field-based methods for species and landscape assessment
 key methodologies for studying evolution and developmental biology.

You will also apply fundamental biology to real life issues.


Our assessment methods include:

 reviews of relevant literature
 laboratory and field notebooks
 scientific reports
 posters
 oral presentations.

These activities develop your digital and information literacy.

We design our assessments to shape and develop your learning. We use formative feedback to support your learning. This means we may or may not associate your feedback with a grade.

Career Opportunities

This degree offers a solid foundation for either postgraduate entry to a scientific career or preparation for doing a PhD. Our graduates are highly prized by employers as they bring an array of valuable skills into the workplace. Popular industries for bioscientists include:

 biopharmaceuticals
 bioscience, biotechnology, and healthcare
 environmental agencies
 environmental consultancies
 food and drink industries
 horticulture
 government or charity-funded laboratories
 universities and research institutes
 sequencing and validation scientist
 microbiologist
 science communication.

Entry requirements

Wherever possible we make our conditional offers using the UCAS Tariff. The combination of A-level grades listed here would be just one way of achieving the UCAS Tariff points for this course.

Standard offer

UCAS Tariff Points: 104
A Level: BCC
IB Points: 29

Contextual offer

UCAS Tariff Points: 88
A Level: CCD
IB Points: 27

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